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Hoogendyk announces candidacy for Michigan's 6th Congressional House seat

John Clark

(Updated with analysis - see below)

Former state representative Jack Hoogendyk says he will challenge 6th District Congressman Fred Upton in the August GOP primary.

Hoogendyk, who lives in Texas Township, announced his campaign today. It’s a rematch of 2010 when Hoogendyk lost to Upton by a wide margin. But Hoogendyk says he’s already raised almost half the money he did two years ago.

[Jack Hoogendyk]“My opponent, assuming he decides to run, is not as popular as he was two years ago. I think he’s got some baggage. I think the voting population is much more motivated this time than they were two years ago. I am a staunch Tea Party conservative and I’m going to have their whole-hearted support. They’re much more organized than they were two years ago. And I believe we’re going to get some serious funding from some conservative groups out of Washington.”

One of those groups is expected to be the Club for Growth. The group works to place conservatives in Congress in an effort to achieve their goals for lower taxes and smaller government.

Update January 18th 8:30 a.m.

Western Michigan University Political Science Professor John Clark says Jack Hoogendyk could be helped by fudning support from the Club for Growth. But Clark says Upton could get a boost from his position as Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Clark says Upton doesn't want to appear to be "a Washington insider." But Clark says Upton will want to talk about his influence and ability to get things done in Congress.

Clark says primary voters may face a choice of Upton's message of being effective in getting legislation passed, and Hoogendyk's message of going and "shake things up."