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Congressman Bill Huizenga discusses stand off in Congress over payroll tax cut

Congressman Bill Huizenga

Update: NPR reports Republicans have agreed to a two month extension.

No progress has been reported in the standoff over extending a payroll tax holiday and unemployment benefits. The Senate has approved a two month extension with a bipartisan vote. But House Republicans are holding out for extending the tax holiday for a year.

Bill Huizenga of Zeeland is one of those House Republicans. He told WMUK’s Gordon Evans that a two-month extension doesn’t make sense. Huizenga says both sides have agreed on many of the provisions needed to pay for a year-long extension of the benefits. He says the Senate should appoint members to a conference committee to work out differences between the legislation passed in the two chambers.

Huizenga says it’s up for debate whether the standoff is hurting Republicans politically. In response to criticism from Senate Republicans and conservative commentators, the Zeeland Republican says he can disagree with fellow Republicans just like he can disagree with Democrats.